Archives: Resrc

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The 5 Love Languages

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fr…

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Adventist Families in North America

From Center for Creative Ministry and North American Division Family Ministries 2010

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The Gray Divorce Revolution

Article from Family Focus 2013

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If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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Manos – de Dios

If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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Maestro (Espíritu Santo)

If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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If you would like to download this video for use within your ministry, click the Vimeo logo at the b…

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